100 Basic English Expressions in our Daily Life
- July 19, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: blog English Articles
To help you with that, Lingovato will provide you with a list of 100 basic English expressions that you can use in your everyday life. Learning English can take some time to reach the fluent level you wish for. It is a never ending journey because there will always be new things to learn when it comes to language.
However, as you work towards achieving an advanced level in English, you can take a shortcut to get yourself moving by mastering some common sentences.
English Expressions
Learning basic English daily expressions won’t make a fluent native speaker, but it can make navigating things easier as you go.
Therefore, we have gathered these basic sentences to help you through your English learning journey:
English expressions | Arabic expressions |
Good Morning | صباح الخير |
Good Afternoon | طاب مسائك |
What is your name? | ما اسمك؟ |
What is your favourite food? | ما هو طعامك المفضل؟ |
What is your nationality? | ما هيه جنسيتك؟ |
Where are you from? | من أين أنت؟ |
How are you? | كيف حالك؟ |
Excuse me. | اعذرني. |
Nice to meet you. | سعيد بلقائك. |
I do not understand. | لا أفهم. |
Can you help me? | هل بإمكانك مساعدتي؟ |
How much does this thing cost? | كم تكلفة هذا الشيء؟ |
Thank you, I appreciate it. | شكرا لك انا اقدر هذا. |
Good night. | طاب مساؤك. |
Goodbye. | مع السلامة. |
Have a nice weekend. | أتمنى لك عطلة نهاية أسبوع سعيدة. |
I apologize. | أنا أعتذر. |
Can you please repeat that? | يمكنك الرجاء تكرار ذلك؟ |
How old are you? | كم عمرك؟ |
What are you talking about? | ما الذي تتحدث عنه؟ |
Do you understand me? | هل تفهمنى؟ |
Are you sure? | هل أنت واثق؟ |
What Is your job? | ما طبيعة عملك؟ |
How can I go to the town centre? | كيف يمكنني الذهاب إلى وسط المدينة؟ |
How Long will you stay? | كم ستبقى؟ |
Where do you live? | أين تعيش؟ |
Do you understand me? | هل تفهمنى؟ |
When is the train/ plane leaving? | متى يغادر القطار / الطائرة؟ |
How can I help you? | كيف يمكنني مساعدك؟ |
What is going on? | ما الذي يجري؟ |
Where are you going? | إلى أين تذهب؟ |
What would you like to eat? | ماذا تريد أن تأكل؟ |
Are you done? | هل انتهيت؟ |
What would you like to order? | ماذا تريد ان تطلب؟ |
Would you like anything else? | هل تود شيئا اخر؟ |
Can I ask you something? | هل يمكننى ان اسألك شيئا؟ |
Do you need anything? | هل تحتاج لأي شيء؟ |
I am busy. | أنا مشغول. |
Can you do me a favour? | هل تستطيع أن تقدم لي خدمة؟ |
I will call you back. | سأكلمك لاحقا. |
I am sorry for your loss. | أنا آسف لخسارتك. |
Congratulations, I am happy for you. | مبروك انا سعيد من اجلك |
Bless you. | بارك الله فيك. |
Could you repeat that? | هل يمكنك تكرار ذلك ؟ |
Can you slow down? | هل يمكنك الإبطاء؟ |
No problem. | لا مشكلة. |
What time is it? | أي ساعة؟ |
It was nothing, don’t mention it. | كان لا شيء ، لا تذكره. |
What are you up to? | ما آخر ما توصلت اليه؟ |
I will be with you in a moment. | سأكون معك في لحظة. |
Do you speak English? | هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية؟ |
Are you sure? | هل أنت واثق؟ |
That sounds great. | هذا يبدو رائعًا. |
What do you think? | ماذا تعتقد؟ |
What do you do? | ماذا تفعل؟ |
I am looking for… | أنا أبحث عن… |
Slow down. | ابطئ. |
Is everything OK? | هل كل شيء على ما يرام؟ |
What is the weather like? | اوصف لى الطقس؟ |
How was your day? | كيف كان يومك؟ |
Can you open the door, please? | ممكن تفتح الباب من فضلك؟ |
Where is your passport? | اين جواز سفرك |
Can I reserve a room for two? | هل يمكنني حجز غرفة لشخصين؟ |
What is your size? | ما هو مقاسك؟ |
How long until we get there? | كم من الوقت حتى نصل إلى هناك؟ |
What do you think? | ماذا تعتقد؟ |
That’s a great idea. | هذه فكرة عظيمة. |
I want to hire a cab. | أريد استئجار سيارة أجرة. |
Can I ask you something? | هل يمكننى ان اسألك شيئا؟ |
Can you please give me directions? | هل يمكنك إعطائي التوجيهات من فضلك؟ |
How was your day? | كيف كان يومك؟ |
What should I wear? | ما الذي يجب ان ارتديه؟ |
It’s best to pack light. | من الأفضل أن تحزم الضوء. |
I’m looking for this address. | أنا أبحث عن هذا العنوان. |
My apologies, but I can’t make it. | اعتذاري ، لكن لا يمكنني القيام بذلك. |
I’d like to book a room. | اريد حجز غرفة. |
Can you open the window, please? | يمكنك فتح نافذة الرجاء؟ |
How are things? | كيف هي الأمور؟ |
It’s good to see you. | من الجيد رؤيتك. |
You are absolutely right. | انت على حق تماما. |
Never mind. I quite understand. | لا تهتم. أنا أفهم ذلك تمامًا. |
This queue is so long. | قائمة الانتظار هذه طويلة جدًا. |
You have to wait. | عليك الانتظار. |
You’re a great help. | أنت مساعدة عظيمة. |
Have a good day. | اتمنى لك يوم جيد. |
I have no idea. | ليس لدي أي فكرة. |
Take your time, there’s no need to rush. | خذ وقتك ، فلا داعي للاندفاع. |
It might rain tonight, so take care. | قد تمطر الليلة ، لذا اعتني بنفسك. |
Let’s try something new! | دعونا نحاول شيئا جديدا! |
I just made it. | أنا فقط جعلت من. |
When will the plane take off? | متى تقلع الطائرة؟ |
When did you arrive? | متى وصلت؟ |
Don’t go too fast. | لا تذهب بسرعة كبيرة. |
Be careful! | كن حذرا! |
Stay calm. | ابق هادئا. |
This will take time. | سيستغرق هذا بعض الوقت. |
Would you like to join me? | هل تود مرافقتي؟ |
Where do you live? | أين تعيش؟ |
Please, sit still. | من فضلك اجلس بهدوء. |
Where is your ticket? | اين تذكرتك؟ |
I want to make an appointment. | اريد حجز موعد. |
You have nothing to worry about. | لا يوجد ما يدعو للقلق. |
Can you answer the door? | هل من الممكن أن تفتح الباب؟ |
What are your plans for tomorrow? | ما هي خططك ليوم غد؟ |
Make yourself at home. | البيت بيتك. |
How can you spell that? | كيف يمكنك تهجئة ذلك؟ |
Can you pass me the salt? | هل يمكنك أن تمرر لي الملح؟ |
Do you like the food here? | هل تحب الطعام هنا؟ |
Is this seat taken? | هل تم شغل هذا المقعد؟ |
What is the quickest way to get there? | ما هي أسرع طريقة للوصول إلى هناك؟ |
Let’s keep in touch. | لنبقى على تواصل. |
Now, after knowing these daily expressions, it’s best to make the most out of using them. Here’s how you can do that:
Read Them Aloud
Reading these phrases out loud several times will help you get used to them and make them stick in your head.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Practice makes perfect always. Nothing works out from the first try, so it’s essential for you to try speaking these sentences consistently. Also, you can listen to their proper pronunciation by searching for them on your computer.
Speak with a Partner
To fully enjoy the benefit of these useful daily expressions, you should know their meanings first. Learning the meaning of these sentences and how they are used in conversation will make you able to use them correctly.
So, it’s best to fully understand their meaning, before attempting to use them in conversation. Additionally, conversing with a study partner or a friend first might be best just to get used to it.
Write It Down
Another way to help you along with learning these sentences is to mix them up in your writing. Using these sentences in any of your writings such a social media post or a friendly email will help you remember it better.
An Example about Using These Daily Expressions
Here’s an example about how to use these daily expressions:
- Good morning. How are you doing?
Good morning, nice to meet you. I’m good. Can I help you with anything?
- Yes, I’m looking for this address. Can you please give me directions?
Yes, of course. Go straight and then take the first corner on your left.
- Thank you so much. You’re a great help.
Don’t mention it. Have a good day!
- You too. Goodbye.
These basic phrases can be a great start to help you along and get you on the right road. While the English language is more than that and you will need to do more effort to fully master it, these sentences are a good place to begin with.
However, Lingovato is the best to fully understand their meaning and perfect their pronunciation to enjoy the benefits. Because it’s best to start small and think smart, learning these simple, easy sentences will smooth the way for you and make you more excited to learn more.